We have a smart, but simple uniform that we require all pupils to wear.
We ask that our families to ensure that their Griffin/s have the correct uniform which comprises:
- A plain white collared shirt (Please note: polo shirts are not to be worn)
- Plain black tailored trousers/skirt/tailored shorts/or pinafore dress (Please note: No canvas, cargo, jeans or jogger style trousers)
- In summer term a blue checked dress may be worn
- Navy blue cardigan or jumper, with school logo
- A school tie
- Socks should be black, white or grey
All of our Branded Uniform, including sweatshirts, fleeces, hoodies and PE t-shirts are sold at cost and can be purchased from The Schoolwear Centre, located in Nuneaton Town Centre.
Please note: it is an expectation that branded uniform for the items listed above is worn rather than generic items. We are thrilled to have a pre-loved uniform shop at school where we can provide support to those families who need support with purchasing these. If you would like further information about the sizes and uniform we currently have in stock, please contact the school office for more information.
Physical Education Uniform
At Park Lane, there is an expectation that our Griffins wear a suitable PE uniform:
- Park Lane T- Shirt or Navy T-Shirt
- Black Shorts/Jogging bottoms/Sports Leggings
- Navy Park Lane Hoodie or Navy Fleeced Jacket
- Waterproof Jacket
- Sports Trainers
All branded Park Lane uniform can be purchased from the School Wear Centre and sports trainers must be supportive with good grip to ensure for health and safety during lessons.
Outdoor lessons will continue to take place, unless we are experiencing extreme weather conditions that could affect the safety of our students. Therefore, please ensure that your child is fully prepared and adequately dressed for PE lessons that will continue to take place in low temperature and light rain conditions.’
Pupils with long hair are expected to bring a hair bobble to put their hair up and any pupils with a newly pierced ear must provide tape to cover them up, otherwise they will be expected to remove them during their PE lesson for health and safety reasons.
Finally, please be aware that PE kit must be worn to every PE lesson, even if your child is unable to take part as a performer to ensure that they can access the lesson, even as a coach or match official. Any pupils without PE kit will be expected to wear the clean spare kit provided.