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Our school



Our school



Our school





Children should arrive at school ready to be registered for 8:45 am. Gates open to the school grounds at 8.30am to allow children to come and settle before the day begins. The school day ends at 3:15 pm, children are collected from their class teacher in their classrooms.

The total number of school hours per week is 32.5 hours. The school day may vary for some Nursery children.


Year Group

Designated Area

Mini Griffins

Mini Griffins Entrance


Nursery Entrance


Reception Doors

Year 1

Year 1 Classroom Doors

Year 2

KS1 Entrance
(Peter Pan area)

Year 3

3EW Classroom Door

Year 4

4JE Classroom Door

Year 5

KS2 Entrance

Year 6

KS2 Entrance


We have daily assemblies that take place either in the hall collectively (whole school, KS1 and KS2) or in the classrooms with their class teacher.

On a Monday we have our First News assembly which covers topical information in the news that week. The children are given an opportunity to discuss the currently topical information and have open dialogue expressing their viewpoints. These assemblies also incorporate British Values, elements of safeguarding and Democracy.

On Tuesdays, we complete Thrive activities which are delivered in the classroom by the class teachers. Thrive is a whole school approach to improving the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. The Thrive activities differ for each class and target the individual needs within the classroom: they develop skills linked with social, emotional and mental health needs.

On Wednesdays, we have whole school singing assembly led by our Arts team in the hall or in classes. We learn songs with key themes and have opportunities to rehearse songs for our Proud Traditions such as The Big Sing and our Spring Recital.

On Thursdays, we complete Online Safety Lessons based around our platform National Online Safety. These lessons are carefully mapped out on a long-term plan which can be found on our Online Safety Page – this aligns with the ‘Education for a Connected World’ document with a monthly theme and children participate in open discussions.

On Friday, we have our celebration assemblies which take place in our Great Hall and involves the children walking the red carpet. During this assembly we celebrate the presentation of certificates including awards for showing Griffin Learning Behaviours (our values awards); showing enthusiasm and effort with reading (reading awards); having a positive attitude to learning (Dojo points awards); and for joining legibly and being awarded a pen licence. We love to celebrate any successes that our children have received outside of school: children are given the opportunity to come to the front of the hall to proudly discuss things such as swimming or sporting achievements. These red-carpet assemblies are eagerly anticipated by students, staff and our families, who are invited to attend.

Wraparound Provision

Wraparound Provisions are available for Park Lane Children from Monday to Friday. We have a breakfast club provision and an after-school provision: breakfast club operates from 7:45–8:30 am and after school club operates from 3:15–5:45 pm. Our after-school club provision is currently provided by Kits Academy.

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
