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2 February 2025 in Latest news

Sunday Storytime with Miss Johnston

Sunday 6 o’clock Storytime Starring… Miss Johnston - reading an exciting story called ‘The Cave’. Don’t forget to subscribe to our school YouTube account to keep up to date with…
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1 February 2025 in Latest news

Year 1 Griffins Visit the Black Country Museum!

Our Year 1 Griffins had an amazing time stepping back in time at the Black Country Museum! They experienced a 1950s-style school lesson, learning reading, writing, and arithmetic—plus a glimpse…
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The Griffin Schools Trust (GST) is a family of primary and secondary schools in the Midlands and the South East of England. We are committed to providing an outstanding independent-style education for all students, predicated on breadth and excellence. All schools provide a rich programme of free extra-curricular activities, create an involving and stimulating physical environment and build a staff team of interesting people who are motivated to advance their own knowledge and skills as well as their pupils’ achievement.

GST schools do not teach young people to know their place, but rather to discover their talents and passions and to take their places in society, making a difference through leadership and service wherever their futures may take them.

Curriculum at Park Lane

At Park Lane, we use the Cornerstones Curriculum as a basis to our curriculum and tailor it to the needs of our children. With an aim of developing the holistic child, being of the upmost importance, we equip our children with the skills and personal qualities necessary to help them to lead a fulfilling and rewarding lives.

We are committed to providing a balanced curriculum, rich in knowledge, skills and meaningful experience. Our curriculum is broad, balanced, challenging and engaging. It is very practical and offers many opportunities for children to access varied and exciting experiences to enrich their lives.

Our learning follows the sequence of engaging, developing and expressing. This allows children the opportunity to engage with their locality, go on trips enabling them opportunities to learn in different environments and engaging with visitors to the school. We aim to embed all our learning with the core subjects.   Maintaining this focus we can ensure that the children have the opportunity to enhance these skills through a range of themes. These are carefully structured to give a balance of learning opportunities and draw on children’s knowledge and talents, to make links and find meaning in their learning.

We value the part that parents and carers play in their child’s learning and are committed to keeping parents informed regularly through updates on the curriculum and homework. This helps to ensure that parents are well informed to support their child’s learning.

Our schemes of work reflect the content and challenge of the curriculum and is taught with the consideration of the needs of all learners. Our curriculum is exciting and will inspire children to nurture a passion for learning. In creating a curriculum that is bespoke to our school, we are raising aspirations and ambition so that our children are able to become independent lifelong learners and be ready to successfully compete nationally and internally with their peers.

Please take a look at the information across our curriculum pages and the further detail in our year group curriculum portal linked below. If you would like to know anything else please contact the school office.

Curriculum in Action

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
